Sep 28 – 30, 2022
Hida City Cultural Communication Center
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Contribution List

67 / 67
Masato SHIOZAWA (Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, U of Tokyo)
9/28/22, 9:00 AM
Mr Junya Tsuzuku (Hida City)
9/28/22, 9:10 AM
Osamu Yasuda (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
9/28/22, 9:15 AM
Natsumi Nagata (University of Tokyo)
9/28/22, 10:00 AM
Shunsaku Horiuchi (Virginia Tech)
9/28/22, 11:00 AM
Daniele Guffanti (University & INFN Milano-Bicocca)
9/28/22, 11:30 AM
Laurence COOK (University of Oxford)
9/28/22, 12:00 PM
Neutrino flux and neutrino-nucleus interactions
Megan Friend (KEK)
9/28/22, 12:30 PM
Neutrino flux and neutrino-nucleus interactions
Neil McCauley (The University of Liverpool)
9/28/22, 3:00 PM
Experimental challenges
Michael Wilking (Stony Brook University)
9/28/22, 3:30 PM
Experimental challenges
Yaoguang Wang (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)
9/28/22, 4:20 PM
Experimental challenges
Christopher Mauger (University of Pennsylvania)
9/28/22, 5:10 PM
Christopher Grant (Boston University)
9/28/22, 5:30 PM
Future experiments
Daniele Guffanti (University & INFN Milano-Bicocca)
9/29/22, 9:00 AM
Detector technologies
Patrick de Perio (Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo)
9/29/22, 9:30 AM
Detector technologies
Taichi Sakai (Tohoku University, Research Center for Neutrino Science)
9/29/22, 10:00 AM
Detector technologies
Yuuki Nakano (Kamioka observatory)
9/29/22, 11:00 AM
Status and prospects of experiments
Junjie Xia
9/29/22, 11:30 AM
Status and prospects of experiments
Kathryn Sutton (Caltech)
9/29/22, 12:00 PM
Status and prospects of experiments
Yoichi Asaoka (WISE, Waseda University)
9/29/22, 12:30 PM
Status and prospects of experiments
Zelimir Djurcic (ANL)
9/29/22, 2:30 PM
Status and prospects of experiments
Jinnan Zhang (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)
9/29/22, 3:00 PM
Status and prospects of experiments
Hideyoshi Ozaki (RCNS, Tohoku University)
9/29/22, 3:30 PM
Status and prospects of experiments
Xuefeng Ding
9/29/22, 4:00 PM
Review of experiments
Bedrich Roskovec (Charles University, Prague)
9/29/22, 5:00 PM
Review of experiments
Aya Ishihara (Chiba University)
9/29/22, 5:30 PM
Review of experiments
Intae Yu (Sungkyunkwan University)
9/29/22, 6:30 PM
Future experiments
Kiyomi Seiya (Fermilab)
9/30/22, 9:00 AM
Neurino beam facility
Yoichi Sato (KEK/J-PARC)
9/30/22, 9:30 AM
Neurino beam facility
Tsuyoshi NAKAYA (Kyoto University)
9/30/22, 10:15 AM
Akira Konaka (TRIUMF)
9/30/22, 10:45 AM
Chang Kee Jung
9/30/22, 10:50 AM
Ciro Riccio, Gianfranca De Rosa
9/30/22, 10:55 AM