The 21st international workshop on Next Generation Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detectors (NNN22)

Hida City Cultural Communication Center

Hida City Cultural Communication Center


The workshop aims to discuss future detectors for research on neutrino physics and nucleon decays. It will consist of invited and contributed talks and poster presentations addressing the topics below.

  • Proton decay

  • High intensity neutrino beams

  • Supernova neutrinos

  • Solar neutrinos

  • Atmospheric neutrinos

  • Reactor neutrinos

  • Large Detectors R&D

This workshop will take place in person in Hida-Furukawa, a neighboring town of Kamioka, from Wednesday 28 to Friday 30 September 2022.

  • There is a poster session on the first day, Sept. 28th.
    The size of your poster must be A0 or smaller.
    (Both portrait and landscape orientations are possible.)
    There is no facility to print the poster close to the venue. Therefore, please bring your printed poster.

  • The registration fee is 5,000 yen, and we will collect at the venue.

  • A post-workshop excursion to Super-Kamiokande, KamLAND, and the Hyper-Kamiokande underground construction site is planned on the final day.

  • You can watch the session for those who can not come to the venue. (You can not comment or ask questions.)
    Sept. 28 and 29 (Link to the broadcast)
    Sept. 30 (Link to the broadcast)

We look forward to welcoming you to Hida in September 2022.

    • 9:00 AM 9:15 AM
      • 9:00 AM
        Welcome address 10m
        Speaker: Masato SHIOZAWA (Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, U of Tokyo)
      • 9:10 AM
        Welcome address from the mayor of Hida city 5m
        Speaker: Mr Junya Tsuzuku (Hida City)
    • 9:15 AM 10:30 AM
      Theory: Theory #1
      • 9:15 AM
        Theoretical overview 45m
        Speaker: Osamu Yasuda (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
      • 10:00 AM
        Beyond the standard model (GUT) 30m
        Speaker: Natsumi Nagata (University of Tokyo)
    • 10:30 AM 11:00 AM
      Break 30m
    • 11:00 AM 12:00 PM
      Theory: Theory #2
    • 12:00 PM 1:00 PM
      Neutrino flux
    • 1:00 PM 3:00 PM
      Lunch 2h
    • 3:00 PM 4:00 PM
      Experimental challenges: Experimental challenges #1
    • 4:00 PM 4:20 PM
      Break 20m
    • 4:20 PM 5:30 PM
      Experimental challenges: Experimental challenges #2
      • 4:20 PM
        Systematric errors in Lq. scintillator experiments 30m
        Speaker: Yaoguang Wang (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)
      • 4:50 PM
        Demonstration of a modularised LArTPC equipped with pixelated readout and novel light detectors for the DUNE near detector 20m

        The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) will be using a combination of liquid argon time projection chambers (LArTPCs) with the aid of other detectors to measure neutrino oscillation parameters with unprecedented precision. In order to accommodate the high event rate from the intense neutrino beam, a modularised LArTPC is designed for the DUNE near detector. Therefore, the length of the TPC drift can be significantly reduced resulting in benefits of easily achievable high voltage requirement and clean signal from decreased charge diffusion and enhanced electric-field uniformity. Resistive material is used as field-shell to shape the electric field and to maintain high uniformity. It occupies minimal amount of active volume in the detector and avoids the risk of single-point failure. This LArTPC is equipped with revolutionary pixelated readout which enables true 3D projection of particle passages. The pixelated readout eliminates projection ambiguity presented in wire-readout LArTPCs and is well suited for busy detector environment as in the DUNE near detector. Each TPC also deploys novel light detectors to measure module-contained scintillation light signal with high position resolution and light yield. The modularised LArTPC provides defined volume for charge-light matching which is particularly useful to identify neutrino events in the DUNE near detector with high event-rate. This talk will present the latest design of this LArTPC for the DUNE near detector and the results of the benchmark modules operated in the last year.

        Speaker: Yifan Chen
      • 5:10 PM
        Neutrino-nucleus interaction studies with new fine-graind detector 20m
        Speaker: Christopher Mauger (University of Pennsylvania)
    • 5:30 PM 6:00 PM
      Future experiments: Future experiments #1
    • 6:00 PM 7:00 PM
      Poster: Poster session
    • 9:00 AM 10:00 AM
      Neutrino beam facilities

      Chair: H. Sekiya

    • 10:00 AM 10:15 AM
      Break 15m
    • 10:15 AM 10:45 AM
      Summary: Summary session
      • 10:15 AM
        Summary of the worksohp 30m
        Speaker: Tsuyoshi NAKAYA (Kyoto University)
    • 10:45 AM 11:00 AM
      • 10:45 AM
        Poster award 5m
        Speaker: Akira Konaka (TRIUMF)
      • 10:50 AM
        NNN22 Steering committee report 5m
        Speaker: Chang Kee Jung
      • 10:55 AM
        NNN23 in Naples 5m
        Speakers: Ciro Riccio, Gianfranca De Rosa
    • 11:30 AM 6:00 PM