Nov 17 – 18, 2022
Nagoya University & Online
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Travel and Workshop Information



Nagoya University, Higashiyama Campus (main campus)

Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Japan

E&S Building (Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute), ES635 at the 6th floor

Nagoya University Canpas map



Many direct flights to Nagoya, Chubu Centrair Airport are available.

Access to Nagoya from Tokyo/Osaka using Shinkansen is also convenient.

from the Nagoya Centrair Airport

Meitetsu train connects to the Nagoya station. (0h40m)


from Tokyo and Osaka

Tokaido shinkansen connects to the Nagoya station.

1h40m from the Tokyo station and 1h00m from the Osaka stations 



from the Nagoya station to the Nagoya University

Subway, Higashiyama Line to the Motoyama station (20 minutes)

Subway, Meijo Line from Motoyama to Nagoya Daigaku (Univeristy) (3 minutes)


Between the Nagoya and Motoyama stations, you can access downtown (Sakae).

Many hotels are also available in this area.


From the subway station to the workshop venue

Directions from the subway station (Nagoya-Daigaku) to the venue



Participants are supposed to book a hotel by themselves.  

But LOC members are pleased to help booking if necessary.

Please contact to for any travel supports.



Those who need a visa to enter Japan need to contact the LOC as soon as possible since the issuance of a visa may take a long time.

Documents will be available upon request for registered workshop participants.

Please check the following URL to see whether you need visa to enter Japan: