Sep 8 – 14, 2019
Toyama International Conference Center
Japan timezone

New Analysis Results from the LUX Dark Matter Experiment

Sep 11, 2019, 6:20 PM
201 (Toyama International Conference Center)


Toyama International Conference Center
Oral presentation in parallel session Dark matter DM13: WIMP Dark Matter II


Prof. Vitaly Kudryavtsev (University of Sheffield)


The LUX (Large Underground Xenon) was a dark matter experiment using a two-phase Xe Time Projection Chamber located at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, South Dakota 2012-2017. It previously published three separate world-leading limits on the spin-independent cross-section for Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) dark matter via direct detection, with a fiducial mass of up to 150 kg. The LUX detector has been precision calibrated over a wide energy range from 170 eV to many MeV with very high statistics using a number of novel procedures. These analyses have provided an unprecedented level of understanding in the response of liquid Xe to many types of particle interaction. I will report on the most recent analysis efforts the LUX collaboration is making which further exploit the data from the four years of detector operation. The new analyses include rare event searches for Dark Matter candidates including sub- GeV dark matter, Mirror Dark Matter, LIPs, time-modulated signals and signals from S2-only (ionization) events. I will also discuss how LUX is also being used to better understand the potential detector performance of future dual-phase detectors for WIMP-nucleon scattering, and to demonstrate new analysis methods that can be used to improve our discrimination of backgrounds within next-generation experiments.

Primary author

Prof. Richard Richard Gaitskell (Brown University)

Presentation materials