Sep 8 – 14, 2019
Toyama International Conference Center
Japan timezone

Telescope Array: Latest Results and Expansion Plans

Sep 11, 2019, 2:55 PM
204 (Toyama International Conference Center)


Toyama International Conference Center
Oral presentation in parallel session High energy astrophysics, cosmic rays/Multi-messenger HECR #5


Prof. Douglas Bergman (University of Utah)


The Telescope Array (TA) is an ultra-high energy cosmic ray detector, the largest in the Northern Hemisphere, sensitive to cosmic rays with energies from below 1 PeV to above 100 EeV. The main detector is a hybrid detector consisting of an array of 507 surface detectors covering 700 km$^2$ overlooked by three fluorescence telescope detector stations. The energy range has been extended at the low end by the TA Low Energy (TALE) extension consisting of fluorescence detector stations with higher elevation viewing angle and an infill array of surface detectors. At the lowest energies, around 1 PeV, the TALE fluorescence telescopes operate as imaging air Cherenkov telescopes and work in hybrid with the Non-Imaging Cherenkov (NICHE) array for hybrid Cherenkov observation. TA is also being extended at the highest energies by increasing the covered area by a factor of four in the TAx4 project. In this presentation, we will present the latest cosmic ray spectrum results from TA and TALE, nuclear composition results from TA, both hybrid and stereo, and the latest anisotropy results, including the TA hotspot. We will present the deployment status and commissioning plans from both NICHE and TAx4.

Primary author

Prof. Douglas Bergman (University of Utah)

Presentation materials