Sep 8 – 14, 2019
Toyama International Conference Center
Japan timezone

Collective flavor conversion including the neutrino halo in core-collapse supernovae

Sep 11, 2019, 2:30 PM
203 (Toyama International Conference Center)


Toyama International Conference Center
Oral presentation in parallel session Neutrinos Neutrino #14


Mr Masamichi Zaizen (University of Tokyo)


Core-collapse supernovae emit high neutrino flux after core bounce. In this environment, the neutrino self-interaction is dominant, and the flavor conversions are induced. These affect observed neutrino spectra on the Earth. We have ever assumed that emitted neutrinos are free-streaming. However, some of neutrinos experience a direction-changing scattering with nuclei and these direction-changed neutrinos can have a larger intersection angle. This effect is called neutrino halo, and it can affect the flavor conversions due to the collective neutrino oscillations. In this work, we investigate this effect in core-collapse supernova model and discuss the event rate at the neutrino detector.

Primary author

Mr Masamichi Zaizen (University of Tokyo)


Prof. Hideyuki Umeda (University of Tokyo) Dr John Cherry (University of South Dakota) Prof. Kei Kotake (Fukuoka University) Prof. Shunsaku Horiuchi (Virginia Tech) Dr Takashi Yoshida (University of Tokyo) Prof. Tomoya Takiwaki (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)

Presentation materials