Sep 8 – 14, 2019
Toyama International Conference Center
Japan timezone

Study of neutrino charged current interactions on iron in the NINJA experiment

Sep 9, 2019, 5:30 PM
210 (Toyama International Conference Center)


Toyama International Conference Center
Oral presentation in parallel session Neutrinos Neutrino #6


Mr Hitoshi Oshima (Toho University)


Understanding of neutrino-nucleus interactions for energies around 1 GeV is of great importance to us because one of the major systematic uncertainties in current neutrino oscillation experiments comes from nuclear effects in those interactions. The NINJA collaboration aims to study neutrino-nucleus interactions in the energy range of hundreds of MeV to a few GeV by using emulsion-based detector. Nuclear emulsion is well suited for precise measurement of positions and angles of interacting particles since it has sub-micron spatial resolution. It is capable of detecting slow protons as low as 200 MeV/c, which is its advantage over other detectors. Data presented in this talk were taken from the exposure of a 60kg iron target in 2016 to the neutrino and the anti neutrino beam corresponding to integrated POT $0.40\times10^{20}$ and $ 3.53\times10^{20}$, respectively. Based on a few hundred events of neutrino-iron charged current interactions in the target, the number of protons and charged pions in the final state of each event, their emission angles and momenta were measured and compared with Monte Carlo simulation.

Primary author

Mr Hitoshi Oshima (Toho University)


Ms Ayami Hiramoto (Kyoto University) Mr Hideaki Takagi (Toho University) Prof. Hiroshi Shibuya (Toho University) Mr Kousaku Mizuno (Toho University) Prof. Satoru Ogawa (Toho University) Dr Tomokazu Matsuo (Toho University) Dr Tsutomu Fukuda (Nagoya University) Prof. Tsuyoshi Nakaya (Kyoto University) Prof. Yoshinari Hayato (ICRR) Mr Yusuke Kosakai (Toho University) Mr Yusuke Morimoto (Toho University)

Presentation materials