Young Ju Ko
(Istitute for Basic Science)
The DAMA/LIBRA collaboration has claimed that an annual modulation signal which is consistent with signal induced by the dark matter interactions is observed by the NaI(Tl) crystal detector. In order to test the DAMA/LIBRA collaboration’s claim, the COSINE experiment searches for interactions of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) using the same target material. The COSINE-100 detector has been operating since September of 2016 in the 700-m-deep Yangyang underground laboratory. First annual modulation analysis based on the 2-keV energy threshold has been completed and several other analyses are in progress. In addition, studies for the 1-keV threshold have been on-going and analyses based on this threshold is underway. In this presentation, we report the detector design, performance, and recent results of COSINE-100 as well as plans for the next phase, COSINE-200.
Primary author
Young Ju Ko
(Istitute for Basic Science)