Sep 8 – 14, 2019
Toyama International Conference Center
Japan timezone

Study of Charged-Current neutrino interactions on water with nuclear emulsion in the NINJA experiment

Sep 9, 2019, 5:10 PM
210 (Toyama International Conference Center)


Toyama International Conference Center
Oral presentation in parallel session Neutrinos Neutrino #6


Ms Ayami Hiramoto (Kyoto University)


Neutrino-nucleus interaction is one of the major sources of the uncertainty for neutrino oscillation experiments. The NINJA experiment aims to measure neutrino-water interactions containing low momentum secondary particles using a nuclear emulsion detector. Since nuclear emulsion has sub-micron position resolution, it allows us to observe the interaction vertices clearly, and is one of the most effective ways to measure low momentum secondary particles. Short proton tracks down to 200MeV/c momentum are expected to be measured which are hardly reconstructed in plastic scintillator based detectors. A series of test experiments has been carried out with prototype detectors at J-PARC. The latest run has $0.7\times10^{21}$ POT of anti-neutrino exposure on 4 kg water-target. More than 100 events of Charged-Current interactions on water are expected to be observed. Comparison between data and Monte Carlo simulation including track multiplicity and momentum distribution of secondary particles will be shown.

Primary author

Ms Ayami Hiramoto (Kyoto University)


Prof. Tsutomu Fukuda (Nagoya University) Prof. Tsuyoshi Nakaya (Kyoto University) Mr Yosuke Suzuki (Nagoya University)

Presentation materials