Sep 8 – 14, 2019
Toyama International Conference Center
Japan timezone

Liquid Xenon detector R&D for $0\nu2\beta$ search (KamXP)

Sep 12, 2019, 5:10 PM
203 (Toyama International Conference Center)


Toyama International Conference Center
Oral presentation in parallel session Neutrinos Neutrino #23


Dr Kota Ueshima (Tohoku university RCNS)


The R&D of new type of liquid xenon detector is ongoing for the neutrinoless double beta decay ($0\nu2\beta$) search. As a result of KamLAND-Zen type experiment, it is very important to realize the all active region detector for radiation. In addition, if we can develop additional BG reduction technique in all active region detector, it is very useful for improving the sensitivity of $0\nu2\beta$ search in future. To realize the all active region detector for radiation, our detector concept is liquid xenon detector stored in the new type of plastic scintillator vessel. The wavelength of liquid xenon scintillation light is shifted to visible light from 175nm (VUV) on the inner surface of the vessel. Therefore, the liquid xenon scintillation light can be detected by photon sensors which are far away from the $0\nu2\beta$ target nuclei. The pulse shape difference between liquid xenon and plastic scintillator is used for the additional BG reduction. In future, B8 solar neutrino events will be also one of the dominant BG in $0\nu2\beta$ search. To reduce the B8 solar neutrino BG, the Cherenkov light information might be useful. The liquid xenon scintillation light is absorbed on the plastic scintillator vessel and re-emitted. On the other hand, the Cherenkov light is passing through plastic scintillator vessel and detected by photon sensor directly. Therefore, the rising of the waveform of liquid xenon scintillation light will be slow. Using the rising of waveform, the Cherenkov light component in liquid xenon scintillation light might be detected effectively. Using the Cherenkov light information, the directional information will be extracted from liquid xenon scintillation light. We will report the status of liquid xenon detector R&D to improve the sensitivity for the $0\nu2\beta$ search.

Primary author

Dr Kota Ueshima (Tohoku university RCNS)

Presentation materials