Sep 8 – 14, 2019
Toyama International Conference Center
Japan timezone

Current status and future prospects of the CRAFFT project for the next generation UHECR observatory

Sep 11, 2019, 3:30 PM
204 (Toyama International Conference Center)


Toyama International Conference Center
Oral presentation in parallel session High energy astrophysics, cosmic rays/Multi-messenger HECR #5


Dr Daisuke Ikeda (Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo)


The key to understand the origin of the Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray (UHECR) is higher statistics. One of the concepts to realize the future huge observation is an array of low cost fluorescence telescopes. The fluorescence telescope can measure not only the arrival direction and energy spectrum but also the mass composition which is the important information to understand the UHECR. In order to construct the next generation UHECR observatory, we are developing the Cosmic Ray Air Fluorescence Fresnel lens Telescope (CRAFFT) which uses a Fresnel lens and a few PMTs to reduce the detector cost, and works as stand alone to reduce the maintenance cost. We have constructed four prototype detectors consists of 1.4m$^{2}$ Fresnel lens and an 8 inch PMT at Telescope Array (TA) site, and succeeded to observe the UHECR induced air showers synchronized with the TA detector. The configuration and performance of the CRAFFT detector, result of the test observation and future prospects will be discussed.

Primary author

Dr Daisuke Ikeda (Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo)


Mr Hirokazu Iwakura (Shinshu University) Dr Katsuya Yamazaki (Kanagawa University) Mr Mashu Yamamoto (Shinshu University) Dr Takayuki Tomida (Shinshu University) Dr Yasunori Saito (Shinshu University) Dr Yuichiro Tameda (Osaka Electro-Communication University) Mr Yuki Kaino (Osaka Electro-Communication University) Mr Yuya Nakamura (Shinshu University)

Presentation materials