Hideyuki Tagoshi
(ICRR, The University of Tokyo)
KAGRA is planning to start the observation run in 2019.
If it is realized, it is done during LIGO's and Virgo's 3rd Observation run.
KAGRA data analysis group has been preparing for this observation.
Gravitational wave signals are categorized based on the property of signals.
Those property include the duration of the signal, predictability of waveforms,
and statistical nature (deterministic or stochastic).
Data analysis of gravitational waves depends on these property.
Now in KAGRA, there are several groups are working
for establishing the data analysis system of KAGRA.
Those include four gravitational wave search groups
(Compact Binary Coalescense, Burst, Continuous Waves, and Stochastic Background).
Other groups are Detector Characterization which is working for noise characterization,
Calibration group, and Computing and Software group which is managing the infrastructure
for computing and software libraries.
In this talk, I will present the overview of the current activities
of KAGRA data analysis group.
Primary author
Hideyuki Tagoshi
(ICRR, The University of Tokyo)