DM18: Beyond G2 Dark Matter Experiments
- Shigetaka Moriyama (ICRR, The University of Tokyo)
Carla Macolino
9/12/19, 4:10 PM
Dark matter
Oral presentation in parallel session
The DARWIN (DARk matter WImp search with liquid xenoN) project aims to
perform direct dark matter search with about 50 tonnes of liquid xenon,
reaching an unprecedent sensitivity to WIMP nuclear recoil cross
sections down to the level of the irreducible neutrino background.
DARWIN will also have competitive sensitivity to other dark matter
scenarios such as dark photons, super-WIMPS,...
Jianglai Liu
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
9/12/19, 4:30 PM
Dark matter
Oral presentation in parallel session
At the B2 hall of the CJPL-II, the PandaX collaboration is planning for the next generation multi-ton liquid xenon experiment. The immediate next step will be an experiment with 4-ton target mass, PandaX-4T, with which we expect to extend the sensitivity to WIMP search by one more order to magnitude in comparison to the completed PandaX-II. In this talk, I will discuss the plan and status of...
Motoko Fujiwara
(Nagoya University)
9/12/19, 4:50 PM
Dark matter
Oral presentation in parallel session
If dark matter (DM) is a fermion and its interactions with the standard model particles are mediated by pseudoscalars, the tree-level scattering amplitude is highly suppressed.
At the loop level, on the other hand, the scattering cross section is generated without suppression. Moreover, the cross section is enhanced drastically through scalar quartic couplings and might be detectable in the...
Riccardo Catena
(Chalmers University of Technology)
9/12/19, 5:10 PM
Dark matter
Oral presentation in parallel session
I will explore the implications for particle physics and astronomy of a DM discovery at direct detection experiments, focusing on two complementary regions in the DM parameter space, one at low masses (sub-GeV) and the second one at larger masses (around 50 GeV). In the first case, I will show that a DM signal at direct detection experiments can be used to break the degeneracy between local DM...