DM8: Axions and Axion-Like Dark Matter III
- Shigetaka Moriyama (ICRR, The University of Tokyo)
Kazufumi Sato
(ISEE, Nagoya University)
9/10/19, 4:10 PM
Dark matter
Oral presentation in parallel session
Weakly Interacting Slim particles, such as Axion-like Particles (ALPs) and Hidden Photons (HPs), are candidates of cold DM. ALPs and HPs are experimentally interesting because both bosons are absorbed by materials through an interaction analogous to a photoelectric effect, transferring the energy equivalent to their rest mass to recoil electrons.
XMASS is an experiment aiming at direct...
Yannis Semertzidis
9/10/19, 4:30 PM
Dark matter
Oral presentation in parallel session
The Center for Axion and Precision Physics research (CAPP) of the institute for basic science (IBS) of South Korea aims to search for dark matter axions with high sensitivity reaching all the way down to the hadronic axion models. The frequency range is 1 - 10 GHz using several experiments in parallel and high B-field magnets. CAPP has also developed a high frequency capability using the same...
Ippei Obata
9/10/19, 4:50 PM
Dark matter
Oral presentation in parallel session
Axion dark matter differentiates the phase velocities of the circular-polarized photons. In this work, we present a scheme to measure its phase difference by using a linear optical cavity. We applied this scheme to the Fabry-Perot arm of gravitational wave detectors such as aLIGO, KAGRA, CE, and DECIGO. We found that their potential sensitivities to the axion-photon coupling constant, g_{aγ},...
Byeongsu Yang
(Institue for Basic Science)
9/10/19, 5:10 PM
Dark matter
Oral presentation in parallel session
The presence of dark matter had profound consequences on the evolution of the Universe. The Standard Model does not accommodate a suitable dark matter candidate. Therefore, the existence of dark matter is a crucial phenomenological evidence for physics Beyond the Standard Model. The pressing goal of current and future dark matter experiments is to answer the question of whether dark matter...
Johannes Bernhard
9/10/19, 5:30 PM
Dark matter
Oral presentation in parallel session
The NA64 experiment at the CERN North Area searches for dark matter production via both visible and invisible decays of sub-GeV vector mediators, such as the dark photon A’. In a first data taking period from 2016-2018, A’ generation from the reaction e−Z → e−ZA′ and subsequent decays A’→χχ and A’ → e+e− was studied with the help of an active dump set-up using 100 GeV/c electrons. Recently, an...