DM7: Low Mass Dark Matter I
- Shigetaka Moriyama (ICRR, The University of Tokyo)
Alvaro Chavarria
(University of Washington)
9/10/19, 2:00 PM
Dark matter
Oral presentation in parallel session
The DAMIC experiment uses thick fully-depleted charge-coupled devices (CCDs) to search for the interactions of dark matter particles in the galactic halo with ordinary silicon atoms. Because of their low instrumental noise, DAMIC CCDs are particularly sensitive to the ionization signals expected from low-mass dark matter particles. Since early 2017, DAMIC has collected dark-matter search data...
Holger Kluck
(TU Wien / HEPHY)
9/10/19, 2:20 PM
Dark matter
Oral presentation in parallel session
The CRESST-III experiment searches for direct interactions of dark matter with ordinary matter at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) in Italy. The main event signature would be a nuclear recoil inside one of the scintillating target crystals. Operating the crystals as cryogenic calorimeters at $\mathcal{O}(10\,\mathrm{mK})$ provides in addition a phonon signal as measure of the...
Tsuguo Aramaki
9/10/19, 2:40 PM
Dark matter
Oral presentation in parallel session
The SuperCDMS (Cryogenic Dark Matter Search) SNOLAB experiment will search for dark matter using ultra-sensitive phonon sensors operated at cryogenic temperatures. Currently, we are in the construction phase. We anticipate commissioning and operations next year. In preparation for operations, the readout electronics were commissioned using a reduced-threshold SuperCDMS-style detector in an...
Jules Gascon
(Lyon University and IN2P3/CNRS)
9/10/19, 3:00 PM
Dark matter
Oral presentation in parallel session
The EDELWEISS collaboration is performing direct searches for light Dark Matter particles using cryogenic germanium detectors equipped with a charge and thermal signal readout. This versatile and highly performing technology opens new possibilities for searches for signals involving either electrons or nuclear recoils. This is attested to by results on Axion-Like Particles in the keV range,...
Gilles Gerbier
(Queen's University)
9/10/19, 3:20 PM
Dark matter
Oral presentation in parallel session
NEWS-G (New Experiments With Spheres-Gas) is an experiment searching for dark matter using the Spherical Proportional Counter (SPC) technique. Such detectors can operate significant mass of target, of order of kgs with meter size spheres, while keeping single ionization electron detection sensitivity and can be filled with gaseous targets of low atomic mass such as hydrogen, helium, and neon....