Neutrino #3
- Itaru Shimizu (Tohoku University)
Alejandro Diaz
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
9/9/19, 2:00 PM
Oral presentation in parallel session
A number of short-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments have observed anomalous results which are consistent with the existence of a high mass-squared splitting $\Delta m^2 ≈ 1~\mathrm{eV}^2$ in the neutrino sector. This would require the existence of at least one additional, sterile, neutrino. At the same time, other experiments have seen null results that strongly constrain the...
Birgit Neumair
(Technical University of Munich)
9/9/19, 2:20 PM
Oral presentation in parallel session
A vast experimental program has been mounted in the last decade for the search of a sterile neutrino with the mass at the eV scale. In this talk, we will review and compare the statistical methods used to search for short-baseline neutrino oscillations. Reconstructed confidence regions and sensitivities are found to change significantly among the statistical methods used in the field,...
Zhi-zhong XING
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
9/9/19, 2:40 PM
Oral presentation in parallel session
When a neutrino beam travels in a medium, its electron-flavor component undergoes some forward coherent scattering with the electrons in this medium, leading to some nontrivial modifications of the pattern of neutrino mixing and the behaviors of neutrino oscillations. We have recently studied this kind of Mikheev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein (MSW) matter effect along a new line of thought, and obtained...
Jack J. Bennett
9/9/19, 3:00 PM
Oral presentation in parallel session
We revisit a previous calculation of the well-known Standard Model prediction for the effective number of neutrinos in the early universe, $N_{\rm eff}=3.046$, motivated by recent discrepant results from $1512.02205$, who found $N_{\rm eff}=3.052$. We find errors in the latter calculation, stemming from a slight misunderstanding of the implementation of FTQED corrections to the plasma, and...