Sep 8 – 14, 2019
Toyama International Conference Center
Japan timezone

Pathways to Observing Supernova Neutrinos

Sep 11, 2019, 3:50 PM
203 (Toyama International Conference Center)


Toyama International Conference Center
Oral presentation in parallel session Neutrinos Neutrino #14


Mr Thomas Edwards (GRAPPA, University of Amsterdam)


Paleo-detectors are a proposed experimental technique in which one would search for traces of recoiling nuclei in minerals up to $1 \mathrm{\,Gyr}$ old. Even reading out a relatively small target sample ($100 \mathrm{\,g}$), would therefore allow one to search for very rare events thanks to the large exposure, $\epsilon \sim 100 \mathrm{\,g\,Gyr} = 105 \mathrm{\,t\,yr}$. I will show how paleo-detectors can be used to measure the nuclear recoils induced by neutrinos from galactic core collapse supernovae. In particular, I will show that it is possible to make a direct measurement of the average core collapse supernova rate in the Milky Way. Paleo-detectors will also contain information about the time-dependence of the local supernova rate over the past $\sim 1 \mathrm{\,Gyr}$. Measuring such a time evolution would provide a direct determination of the local star formation history. In addition I will investigate possible deviations to the diffuse supernova Neutrino background that might be observable with Super-Kamiokande.

Primary author

Mr Thomas Edwards (GRAPPA, University of Amsterdam)


Dr Andrzej Drukier (Stockholm University) Dr Christoph Weniger (GRAPPA, University of Amsterdam) Prof. Katherine Freese (Stockholm University) Dr Maciej Gorski (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland) Dr Patrick Stengel (Stockholm University) Mr Sebastian Baum (Stockholm University) Dr Shin'ichiro Ando (GRAPPA, University of Amsterdam)

Presentation materials